Computer and Internet connection is an essential tool for web publishing/blogging

Computer access is an essential tool for web publishing and blogging. You need a computer for creating your content. You will need a computer to type and edit your text; and design and edit your graphics or photos. If you upload videos, a computer will also come handy in editing and adding effects to your Video. You can also store your data on your computer hard drive. You will need a computer for connecting to the internet and evaluating and analysing your success.

You do not need a very powerful computer for your content business. Any computer with specs of at least 1GHz processor, 1GB RAM, 40GB HDD is recommended. You can use a desktop, laptop, netbook, or tablet. If you can afford it go for a brand new computer. However if you are working on a tight budget, a used or assembled computer will be adequate. The computer should also be internet ready.

Note that you do not need to own a computer; all you need is access to a computer say from a cyber cafe. However, having a computer of your own will make things a lot easier and convenient. Having a computer of your own means you can blog more and generate more content, which is what you need to do in order make money online blogging.

If you do not have a computer, you will need a USB flash memory for saving your contents. You may also need to write down and organise the content you want to publish on paper in order to save time at the cyber cafe.

You will also need a reasonable typing speed but this should not be a hindrance. Learn how to use folders in organising your files, so as to make finding your contents easier. In all, your computer skills should be good and will definitely get better as you progress.

A personal internet connection is ideal, but not essential. You can access the internet at a cyber cafe, however as your traffic grows you may need internet access more frequently and hence having a personal connection will be cheaper.

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