Tips on new content: Finding ideas - keywords logs media

The first place to look for new ideas for future contents is your keywords list. Your keywords list should inspire you to develop new contents. Your keywords list will help you find out keywords you have covered and those you are yet to cover. Make sure you cover all keywords in your relevant keywords list. This is one reason why you need to develop a keywords list before launching a website.

You should also look at your keywords logs. Your keywords logs give you a list of keywords that directed visitors to your website via search engines. These keywords are called your active keywords. Your active keywords must be downloaded on your PC for storage. These keywords will tell you what your visitors are searching for on your website. If you find keywords not properly covered by your website, develop new contents to cover such keywords.

New ideas can come from mainstream media. Look for magazines, journals, newsletter, and newspapers that discuss the topics you provide contents on. You will find new ideas in such print media. Adverts in print media can also inspire you to write new contents. Some newspapers focus on special topics on certain days, so find out on what days popular newspapers focus on the topics you provide content on, and flip through for new ideas.

Do not copy what is in the print media, although it may be easy, it is unethical and will be ineffective. Note that writing for the internet is different from writing for print media. The content you are copying will probably not be optimised for search engines. In addition, copying other people’s work will deprive you of the opportunity to learn how to generate quality web copies, which will in the long run undermine your success.

You should also use electronic media like TV, cable, radio, and satellite. Note programmes that focus on your industry and always tune in to find out what is being discussed. You will discover new ideas during such programmes. Also, look for cable and satellite channels that focus on your industry and always find interesting and informative programmes to tune in.

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