Focus each Website or Blog to a Theme

Do not develop a website or blog that talks about everything. Every website must have a purpose or theme. Do not put out contents on any subject on the same website. Making money from web publishing requires a purposeful website.

If you want to write on different subjects do that on different websites or blogs. However, do not have too many websites at their development stages. Make a success of one website, before developing a new one. Having too many websites than you can handle will deprive you the opportunity to develop a website rich in content, which is all you need to make money from web publishing.

Concentrating a website or blog on one subject (or niche) makes it easy to build a brand or reputation. It also improves your ranking on search engines, as search engines will easily understand your website. A purposeful website is also likely to have better targeted Ads. All this will result in your making reasonable amount of money for your effort.

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